Choose Your Favorite, Locally Grown, Farm Fresh Tree

Fraser Fir
Fraser Fir trees are nicely shaped and range from narrow to wide. Their branches are dark green on top and silvery on the bottom. This classic Christmas tree has short soft needles. Fraser Fir's have excellent needle retention. Their branches easily hold heavy ornaments. We have a large selection of Cut-Your-Own and Pre-Cut Fraser fir.

Canaan Fir
The Canaan Fir was the most popular tree at Pioneer Trails last year! Needles have a bluish-green top with a silver-green bottom. Branch density is strong, and needle retention is good.

Norway Spruce
Norway Spruce trees look like an old-fashioned Christmas tree, with their long, sweeping branches. Tree density and width range from narrow to wide. The shiny, dark green, short single needles of this spruce make it an attractive choice.

Scotch Pine
The most popular Christmas tree in Ohio! This pine has medium to dark green color with firm branches. Needle retention is excellent.

Blue Spruce
The needle color of Blue Spruce trees ranges from light to dark blue. Its thick, dense limbs are great for holding heavy ornaments, but the needles are short and pinchy.

White Spruce
White Spruce trees have excellent foliage, bluish-green in color, with short, stiff needles and a good, natural shape. Many trees have small light brown pine cones 1 to 2 inches long.

Austrian Pine
The Austrian Pine’s natural growth habit allows it to be sheared to a variety of densities from very open to extremely dense. The branches are stiff and will hold heavy ornaments and lights. This tree has long green needles that grow in bundles, and needle retention is excellent.

Douglas Fir
Douglas fir needles are dark green or blue green, 1 to 1 1/2 inches long, soft to the touch and radiate out in all directions from the branch. They have a sweet citrus fragrance when crushed. The branches are stiff and point upward, providing strength for heavy ornaments. With softer needles, it is a good choice for households with children.

How to Care for Your Tree at Home
- Make a fresh cut on the trunk of the tree to remove about 1/2" of the base. If you cannot put up your tree the day you cut it, make a fresh cut right before you place the tree in the stand.
- Place the tree in water as soon as possible. Use warm water the first time to break up the tree sap.
- Within the first few days, a fresh-cut tree will absorb large amounts of water. As a general rule, stands should be able to hold at least 2 gallons of water. Tree stands can be purchased at the Farm.
- Do not add anything but Tree Preservative to your water.
- Keep trees away from fireplaces, heaters, furnace vents, or other major heat sources. Turn off tree lights when leaving the house or going to bed.
- Make sure your tree stand is always filled with water. Check the water level daily.
- The average fresh-cut tree lasts for three weeks inside.
- When it is time to remove the tree please recycle it. There are several recycling options available.

Live Trees
How to Care for Live Christmas Trees
- Before purchasing your Live Christmas tree, consider where you’d like to plant it.
- When you bring your Live tree home, place the root ball in a plastic or metal tub. Tubs are available for purchase at the Farm.
- Place your tree in a partially heated area, like a garage or entrance way. Leave the tree in this area for a week before bringing it inside the house.
- The tree will need adequate amounts of water to keep the root ball damp but not saturated. Monitor the root ball’s water intake daily.
- A Live tree should not be indoors for more than 2 weeks.
- Take your tree back to the partially heated area, like a garage or entrance way, for a week before taking it outside.
- If the ground is unfrozen, plant the tree as soon as possible.
- Before planting, remove the twine around the tree trunk. Do not remove the burlap or metal basket from the root ball.
- The top of the root ball should be even with or slightly raised above ground level.
- Place mulch around the base of the tree to keep in moisture and allow protection from extreme temperatures.
- During the spring and summer, if rainfall is low, the tree should be watered.
Pioneer Trails Tree Farm offers a variety of landscaping trees. Our spring and fall inventory normally includes Colorado Blue Spruce, Norway Spruce, and White Spruce. We also offer Arborvitae varieties, including Dark Green, Emerald Green, and Techny varieties. We invite you to visit our farm and view our trees. Customers are welcome to call ahead for tree sizes and availability.